Saturday, November 29, 2008

Who and What Are You Thankful For?

Our Photo Challenge this week at Cutters Creek Yahoo group is "Thankful". Whether you just celebrated Thanksgiving, like my American friends, or not there is always time to reflect on what you are thankful for.
I am very thankful for God's love and salvation, my husband Gary, my children Sara and Sam, my Mom, my brothers and sisters-in-law, my home, my friends, my freedom, my extended family, my health (such as it is it could be much worse), and the multitude of blessings that God has granted to me - including all of you who read my blog.
Who and what are you thankful for?

1 comment:

~Chris~ said...

Love what you wrote.. Great Pics.. I have not been to the Yahoo Group in a very long time :( Just never enough hours in a Day lately.